Maria Zozaya focuses on elites and sociability during the arrival of Liberalism (1800-1936). She has studied Spanish prisoners during the Napoleonic period in books, papers and conferences, some of which you can find online:
-In the Royal Academy of Sciences, in Moscow, about the Enemy as an abstraction, and the meaning of Prisoner Studies for Spanish History and promoting Nationalism.
-In Cadiz University (UCA), about the idea and perception of Barbarie and Civilization in times of war; about the moments on a “Cursus Honorum” that an engineer that has been a prisoner has to hide to be politically correct; the contradictions between the public sphere and private memories for POW´s when returned to their countries; or the perception of feelings against different cultures (as Jewish or French).
-Talking about Elite POWs life and material conditions In the first Spanish Conference about punitive institutions, coordinated by Pedro Oliver in Castilla La Mancha University (watch the image).
-And some posters in Madrid, about the symbolic importance of the biographies of those prisoners or Lisbon (POWs Studies on 1st War World; and the ways the POWs had to do Tourism in time of war ), and some others in Cataluña (CEC), or Malta (INS).
Concerning the writings about POWs, Zozaya:
-Has written the book about the trip to the war and the napoleonic prison experience in: Viaje y prisión del ingeniero militar José María Román durante la Guerra de la Independencia, 1808-1814 (Madrid, Fund. Lázaro Galdiano, 2008).
She has also written about the perception of being free in: “Prisionero en Libertad. Vivencia de un ingeniero militar deportado durante la Guerra de la Independencia” (Cádiz, UCA, 2010).
She has defined the French prision model for Spanish elite POWs “Prisioneros españoles en la Francia napoleónica. El modelo positivo de los espácios de cautiverio de los suboficiales, 1808-1900 ( Trocadero, 2014)
-About the objects of quotidiane life for a POW in: “Armas, ropas, casacas y casernas” (Granada, FEHM, 2013), read.
-About the Conception and the construction of the meaning of: “Friends? or enemies? Deconstructing the enemy” (The journal of the International Napoleonic Society , V. 1, N. 6, 2015).
-She has worked more on this subject in «L’ennemi et la frontière : transformation de l’image de « l’autre » (Annuaire d’études françaises, “La campagne russe” de Napoléon, 2013).
Finally, María Zozaya edits the OpenEdition blog about “POWs Engineer Prisoners”, which invites other researchers to publish abstracts about their writings and research.

About Maria Zozaya´s CV
María Zozaya (Madrid, 1975) studied History at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM),
where she was awarded the BA prize of the Academic year (UCM, 1999) and the PhD Extraordinary Prize for doctoral dissertation in History (UCM, 2009). She has received other academic and research awards (RMR, 1999; AHS, 2007; PVM 2008). She obtained several research grants (FPI-CAM; I3p-CSIC; Caja-Madrid Foundation) held at CSIC (National Council for Spanish Scientific Research), 1998-2008. She had a Juan de la Cierva research contract to investigate in Valladolid´s University (2008-2011). She had a Postdoctoral grant from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology held at CIDEHUS, Évora Univ. (FCT, 2013-2019), an FCT Research Contract held at CIDEHUS-UÉ since 2019.

Project credits:
This work of Maria Zozaya-Montes was founded between 1 March 2019 to July 2024 at the University of Évora, CIDEHUS, under the project with the DOI by FCT of Portuguese Republic: DOI:
Este trabajo de María Zozaya-Montes ha sido realizado entre 1 de marzo 2019 y julio 2024 en la Universidade de Évora- CIDEHUS, con el financiamiento del proyecto recogido en el DOI de la FCT de la República de Portugal: 10.54499/DL57/2016/CP1372/CT0010
Quote sugestion:
María Zozaya «About Prisoner´s of War studies (POWs), by Maria Zozaya», INGENIEROS PRISIONEROS. ISSN 2444-8060, 19-06-2018.